Jonah part 4
Steve concludes our mini-series looking at the book of Jonah.
Steve concludes our mini-series looking at the book of Jonah.
Steve looks at some practical and creative ideas to help us develop a habit of prayer.
Steve brings the Easter message
Steve continues our series in Philippians drawing out some wonderful truths from 3:12-14.
Steve looks at our citizenship of heaven and how we can cause trouble as we hold firm to all that entails.
Steve examines how those in the Christmas story walked by faith and not what they saw.
Steve looks at the story of the three wise men from four perspectives: an historian; a rabbi; a preacher and a teacher.
Steve looks at Joseph's capacity to serve despite and throughout his challenging circumstances, drawing us to parallels with Jesus.
Steve looks at Chapter 2 of Ruth which tells the story of Boaz who is noble, gracious and generous.
Steve continues our series on the ministry and work of the Holy Spirit, this time looking at how it is something that affects everyday life, not just Sunday mornings.
Steve continues our series in James looking at widsom.
Steve continues our series looking at the book of James, this time looking at his encouragement for his readers to ask God for wisdom.