We are a community of all ages and children and young people are a really important part of the church family.
Pre-school and primary school aged children are invited to join the Ignite group part-way through the Sunday morning meeting, where they will be able to enjoy all sorts of creative activities to learn more about our wonderful God.
Children and their families are also invited to come to our times of Food & fun as a church as well as our Family Fun mornings.
On some Sundays the youth of the church go out for a time together where they can share about their lives. They get to look at what the Bible teaches about all of life, including the challenges of being of a young person in the 21st Century.
This secondary school age group also meet on some Friday evenings for social time together and fun activities. For more details please contact us here.
Each of the adult team serving with our children and young people has had a full DBS check, and has undergone safeguarding training. All safeguarding information can be found here on our Safeguarding Page.