Our Christian faith

Our beliefs as a community of Christians are based on the Bible. Here is a five-point summary of what the Bible shows us to be God’s great rescue plan!

God made us to know him

God is three persons united in love; God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit! Out of this dynamic of perfect mutual love the three-in-one God created everything, and the crown of that creation is the human race, uniquely made to be in relationship with Him. 

Humanity turned from God

That was God’s plan but that relationship has been ruptured with humankind turning away from God, seeking to live independently of him The result is that we are cut off from the ultimate source of life and love and, in failing to honour God, we face the prospect of his just judgment for our sin.

Through Jesus Christ we can be restored to God

God generously took the initiative to provide the solution for our position of separation and judgment. Jesus the Son, came to this planet and lived a perfect live of devotion and obedience to God the Father as no one else did. In His death on the cross He endured God’s just judgment for our sin. When we accept our need of Jesus’ death in our place as the only basis by which we can be restored to God, we can enter into this wonderful salvation.

By the power of the Holy Spirit we can live transformed lives that please God

After Jesus had returned to the Father in heaven, the person of the Holy Spirit was given to Christians to grant them the transforming power they need to live as faithful and fruitful followers of Jesus. 

In a local church we can grow as Christians and be encouraged to serve the purposes of God in our lives

The Bible clearly shows that we are not meant to live the Christian life in isolation but belong to a community of fellow Christians. It is only in the context of local church that we can really grow as believers, as we share our lives together. We are to be a community of people that is distinct in its love for God and one another, reaching out to others with the wonderful message of the greatest rescue plan the world has ever known!