Church Life 26.10.21

Week of Prayer

Our Town Mayor and Deputy

It was so good to have our second week of prayer of the year last week. We had different sessions at different times enabling us to cover many topics. We were able to pray for the businesses of our town, including a good number run by members of our own church family! We also prayed for our local schools and town council.

Georgi and Galli from Vratsa in Bulgaria

It was brilliant to be able to have separate slots hearing from Georgi and Galli from Bulgaria and David and Sarah in Bolivia and pray for them and the churches they serve.

Our three evening sessions were about important whole-church vision, including believing God for a building, reinforcements to strengthen us and people to come to faith, as well as our toddler groups and involvement in schools increasing.

We also prayed about the importance of us being a welcoming and hospitable church with food at its centre, something we felt God speak to us about in the last week of prayer in January.