Ann looks at Psalm 125 and how our identity as being God's people brings security and confidence.
Ann continues our series through Jonah looking at God's graciousness in Chapter 3.
Ann looks at Paul's approach to and reason for contentment in the latest sermon in our Philippians series.
Ann continues our series looking at Philippians examining the nature of Paul's real appreciation, love and concern for his church family.
Ann continues our series of Christmas Stories and looks at how God planned that Jesus would be born to Joseph and Mary and promised much more than that.
Ann concludes our four week sermon series looking at the book of Ruth which shows how God has been orchestrating the redemption of Ruth and her family bringing a hope and a future for them.
Ann continues our series looking at the Holy Spirit, this time looking at the fruit that develops in and from believers.
Ann looks at the next portion of James which examines how waiting is easier when there is certainty.
Ann continues our series on James' starting at verse 19 in chapter 1 and examines how all of our words and actions should be informed by God's word.