Paul’s prayer for the believers
Our Philippians series continues with Andrew looking at how Paul prays for his fellow believers, that their love may increase through their knowledge and understanding of God.
Our Philippians series continues with Andrew looking at how Paul prays for his fellow believers, that their love may increase through their knowledge and understanding of God.
Andrew presents the gospel at our Christmas Guest Service - with an interview with a special donkey.
Andrew continues our series building up to the birth of Jesus, this time looking at the grace that God extends to his people, particularly examining what we are saved from and saved to.
Andrew shares some insight into the role of the Holy Spirit in evangelism.
Andrew completes his series on the life of David by looking at the legacy he left to his son and his kingdom.
Andrew continues his series on David looking at 2 Samuel 24 and how God deals with pride in his people.
Andrew continues his look at the life of David.
Andrew continues his series on David.
Continuing his series on David, Andrew looks at David;s response to suffering and hardship.
Andrew continues his series looking at King David and examines the hidden dangers, consequences and motivation of self-seeking and contrasts this with a life that honours God.
Andrew looks at David's encounter with Saul in the cave and examines how God shapes David's reactions.