Uncategorised 18.01.18

Ladies’ Congo Coffee Morning

Nicky Thursfield is inviting all King’s Church ladies to come for coffee and cake at her house on Tuesday 13 February at 10.30a.m.

She has a guest who she would love you all to meet: Claudeline Mukanirwa, a quiet, unassuming but amazing woman, who God prompted to help women and children sleeping rough on the streets of Goma in Congo. She started sewing classes for the mums and a school, where over 200 children now attend. A school meal is cooked over charcoal outside, even in the rain when an umbrella helps keep the cook dry!

Please let Nicky know if you can come by the signing-up on the sheet in the foyer at church on a Sunday morning.  Alternatively, please contact us using the contact form and we will be pleased to pass the message on and provide details of Nicky’s address if you don’t know it.