It was a special time for us on Sunday morning as Rosemary Caffyn’s family joined her church family to remember her and how she blessed us all. Owing to Covid travel restrictions, we had put it off so that all Rosemary’s children could be with us, including her son who now lives in Canada.
She was a remarkable lady and many of us could have shared stories of how she interacted with us in her beautifully understated and fully engaged way. We had a few members share stories of what a prayerful, faith-filled and generous lady she was, as well as a touching letter read by her daughter. There were very few dry eyes in the Civic Centre, but there were also very many smiles as we laughed together remembering all the little things she did and the way she did them with such grace and humour.
If you were unable to get along to the Civic Centre on Sunday, you can watch it here to get a flavour of the high regard in which she was held, and the warmth we all have for her.